Klättervägg Natur
Klätterväggarna är 7 meter respektive 7½ meter höga. Säkerhetsfaktorn är mycket hög och med det patenterade säkerhetssystemet kan 3 personer klättra samtidigt och klätterväggens utformning och säkerhets-system gör att många utövare hinner klättra på kort tid.
Klätterväggarna är den enda av sitt slag i Sverige. Det finns endast ett fåtal i hela Europa.
Klätterväggarna är mycket uppskattade av barn, ungdomar och vuxna. Alla kan klättra. Klätterväggarna ser ut som en riktig ”klippa” med både naturliga och ditsatta grepp. Det finns således möjligheter att variera svårighetsgraden på de olika klätterlederna. Klättertornen är mobila vilket medför att de är lätta att flytta och transportera. Klätterväggen sitter ihop med en trailer och själva ”väggen” reser man upp mycket enkelt och snabbt. Det automatiska säkerhetssystemet fungerar väldigt smidigt och säkert och är ansett som ett av de absolut säkraste som finns på marknaden.
Klätterväggarna går att använda både inomhus och utomhus. Den har varit mycket uppskattad på olika events såsom företagsevenemang, tävlingar, mässor, produktlanseringar, festivaler, skolor, idrottsdagar, stormarknadsevent etc. Klätterväggarna är mycket professionellt utformade med genomgående väldigt hög kvalitet på allt material.
Produkten finns i Stockholm och Båstad
Klättervägg Safari
Spänn fast dig i selen och ge dig upp på klättring för väggen mitt i djungeln.
Tävla mot kompisen och se vem som kommer upp – och ner först. Hyrs ut fullt utrustad med selar, rep och allt för att leken skall bli lika säker som rolig.
Passar barn i åldrarna 4-10 år och rekommenderat antal barn är upp till 2 pers.
Storlek (BxDxH): 5 x 5 x 6 m
Produkten finns strax utanför Örebro
Music, Dance & theater activities are a perfect way to recover after a dinner, conference, long lecture, etc. An easy fun competition / activity that suits everyone. Here you can always adapt the content to the audience & requests in Swedish or English. Singing, music, facts, humor & audience activity can be combined in these popular activities that are suitable for both small and large groups.
The musical journey
A delightfully entertaining competition where two professional artists together lead you through a well-crafted activity!
A mix of På spåret, Diggiloo, So shall it sound, etc. with its own touch.
Various subjects in music, film, geography, humor, travel, culture, etc.
A fast-paced journey with the help of music.
For example. which city is associated with the song?
We are looking for a place that is included in the content of the text? We are looking for a year etc.
You are divided into different teams and then a team leader is appointed in each team (2-4 teams optimally),
then it's about supporting your team leader and getting to what we're looking for as quickly as possible....
There are different score levels depending on the level of difficulty.
With the help of professional presenters/artists, big screen, features with pictures, live music, clues, etc. then you are guided through this wonderful competition in an entertaining way.
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How should that sound!
A wonderful music competition based on singing, music, activity, facts and lots of comedy!
This unbelievably serious competition is a guaranteed mood lifter suitable for all ages. Here you compete in teams, tables or whatever suits you.
Usually goes best with coffee.
Spontaneous features, performances, etc.
no round is the same.
Inspiring play leaders who, with the help of song, music, humor & talk guides you through this experience.
Disco Explosion, dance activity
Disco explosion! A lovely disco dance activity with a pro!
Experienced, professional dancer teaches the legendary dance style disco ala Travolta in 100%. Why not a fun break during the conference?
Activity before dinner or at the end of dinner before the DJ or live band starts. Also available with other dance styles on request.
Approx: 45 min of engaging activity
A sound system with a headset is required on site.
Size depending on number of guests.
We can deliver one after quotation, delivered, assembled & clear!
Company song
Activity before conference with results at conference!
Produce a song text about the company in 2-3 verses and chorus before the conference/
Perhaps through a company competition/
party committee/the company's poet or the manager. For the arrangement, your own company song recorded & ready on CD with music, vocals & cover!
All completed by professional composer, musician, producer, vocalists! You can help decide the music style, feeling, etc.
A unique activity and happening, just for you. Preferably combined with an artist/entertainment feature on the evening of the party.
The film journey
An activity De Luxe for all film lovers! With the help of a large screen, features with pictures, live music and clues, you will eventually find which film we are looking for. Stefan Rapo is your presenter & artist and together with guitar maestro Erik Mjörnell they lead you through this elaborate and entertaining activity! Divided into different score levels, degrees of difficulty with follow-up questions to some movies where all teams still have a chance to score. Then a bonus chance for each team with secret activity!
Lovely atmosphere with film, music and joy.
Suitable for daytime as evening time, entertainment & high-level team building in the middle of a conference or a fun feature during dinner.
There is also an English version for international guests.
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Digital Music Quizz Experience
Here is a live digital solution for team building/activity/entertainment at the same time. Here you can meet the whole company - over a fun activity - one by one, from home or the office - connected via digital platforms.
As music quiz leader we have the fantastic Marcus Frenell who leads this innovative activity with high energy and musicality. Here you get a professional, experienced artist who will be your competition leader, singer, musician and source of inspiration. Group entertainment even though everyone is in different places.
With driving conversation, live singing, live music, film & clip he guides you through this activity.