Klättervägg Natur
Klätterväggarna är 7 meter respektive 7½ meter höga. Säkerhetsfaktorn är mycket hög och med det patenterade säkerhetssystemet kan 3 personer klättra samtidigt och klätterväggens utformning och säkerhets-system gör att många utövare hinner klättra på kort tid.
Klätterväggarna är den enda av sitt slag i Sverige. Det finns endast ett fåtal i hela Europa.
Klätterväggarna är mycket uppskattade av barn, ungdomar och vuxna. Alla kan klättra. Klätterväggarna ser ut som en riktig ”klippa” med både naturliga och ditsatta grepp. Det finns således möjligheter att variera svårighetsgraden på de olika klätterlederna. Klättertornen är mobila vilket medför att de är lätta att flytta och transportera. Klätterväggen sitter ihop med en trailer och själva ”väggen” reser man upp mycket enkelt och snabbt. Det automatiska säkerhetssystemet fungerar väldigt smidigt och säkert och är ansett som ett av de absolut säkraste som finns på marknaden.
Klätterväggarna går att använda både inomhus och utomhus. Den har varit mycket uppskattad på olika events såsom företagsevenemang, tävlingar, mässor, produktlanseringar, festivaler, skolor, idrottsdagar, stormarknadsevent etc. Klätterväggarna är mycket professionellt utformade med genomgående väldigt hög kvalitet på allt material.
Produkten finns i Stockholm och Båstad

Klättervägg Safari
Spänn fast dig i selen och ge dig upp på klättring för väggen mitt i djungeln.
Tävla mot kompisen och se vem som kommer upp – och ner först. Hyrs ut fullt utrustad med selar, rep och allt för att leken skall bli lika säker som rolig.
Passar barn i åldrarna 4-10 år och rekommenderat antal barn är upp till 2 pers.
Storlek (BxDxH): 5 x 5 x 6 m
Produkten finns strax utanför Örebro

Mingle & happenings
Mingling and happenings are the kind of entertainment that is a perfect start to a party. A surprising element that amuses the audience and raises the mood at all types of events.

Meet & Greet with cartoon characters
Live event with some of the Nordic countries' most popular cartoon characters. This is suitable for, among other things, shopping center days, public events and fairs.
Here are the figures we can offer:
Lollo & Bernie, Shaun the Sheep, The Smurfs, Moomin, Laban the Ghost, Mamma Mu & The Crow, Paddington, Maya the Bee, Pelle Tailless & Maja Gräddnos, Dinosaurietåget and Miffy.

Silent Disco
Take the chance to try what you may have read or heard about on social media - Silent Disco.
Silent Disco/Silent Event is a concept where you use headphones with multiple channels to reach out with the music or your message.
It is much easier to rig and draws only a fraction of the power consumption compared to large speakers. Which is more environmentally friendly.

Antique appraisal with Peder Lamm
Do you have something you want valued at home?
Peder Lamm will come to you and do an antique valuation for 3-5 hours.
TV profile Peder Lamm is known for his broad knowledge of food, antiques & cultural history. He has, among other things, the hit show Slottsliv, Antikjakten and the chef duel. He has worked in the antiques business since the age of 15 and has been employed by Bukowskis, among others.

Figure skating show on 12 square meters
Figure skating where you least expect it! Isabelle offers an act of dance and skating on a synthetic ice surface of 12m2. Elegant figure skating moves are mixed with showy movement with empathy and feeling.
An unexpected and exciting element of the event. Perfect at the Christmas party to create a winter feel, or why not as an unusual feature at the summer party. The ice surface is placed on a flat and hard surface indoors or outdoors.
Watch movie:
Mingel witchcraft
Let your guests/visitors be enthralled and mesmerized by close-up magic as a magician mingles among you and performs one amazing trick after another.
The cool thing about close-up magic is that even though it's performed right in front of your nose, it's completely impossible to understand how it's done. Laughter, frustration and fascination are promised!
Read more about the wizards here

Aerial acrobat
Are you looking for that little extra for your event?
Then this aerial acrobat show is perfect.
Nina Heldenius has been an aerial acrobat since 2016 and started working full-time and professionally already in 2017. In addition to being an artist and performing, Nina has also worked as an instructor in aerial acrobatics through her own company AERY, both for classes and personal training. In 2019, Nina won the SM in aerial hoop, a victory that gave artistry and her own training a bloody tooth.
Watch movie >>
Piano & mingle
Bar pianists with wide, wonderful repertoires! Old & new classics in a nice vintage. Just piano or maybe with vocals! Mingle for the welcome drink, background during the dinner, quiet pleasant entertainment after the dinner, everything is adapted to the conditions & wishes.
Comedic waiter/infiltrator
This waiter lives in his own world, somewhat confused and wildly incompetent. He is constantly losing himself without being aware of it. A fun topic of conversation for guests.
He can also be a lecturer, consultant, new employee, new CEO, cleaner, uninvited guest, someone who went wrong, etc. There are opportunities for most things here.

Jazz entertainment
Instrumental jazz trio that offers swinging background entertainment with style!. Or maybe a little jazz nightclub feeling with a nice jazz quartet playing and offering a smoky sax solo that makes the evening just right. Maybe a lovely jazz singer as extra spice.
There are lots of possibilities here.

Family fun
A family fun is a joyful, shared humor experience with incredible circus acts and lots of laughs. Gyckel is a form of entertainment that stands with one foot in the street theater tradition and the other in improvisational theatre.
The performance is played by two clowns in the original version, but can be adapted with more artists according to your wishes.