Klättervägg Natur
Klätterväggarna är 7 meter respektive 7½ meter höga. Säkerhetsfaktorn är mycket hög och med det patenterade säkerhetssystemet kan 3 personer klättra samtidigt och klätterväggens utformning och säkerhets-system gör att många utövare hinner klättra på kort tid.
Klätterväggarna är den enda av sitt slag i Sverige. Det finns endast ett fåtal i hela Europa.
Klätterväggarna är mycket uppskattade av barn, ungdomar och vuxna. Alla kan klättra. Klätterväggarna ser ut som en riktig ”klippa” med både naturliga och ditsatta grepp. Det finns således möjligheter att variera svårighetsgraden på de olika klätterlederna. Klättertornen är mobila vilket medför att de är lätta att flytta och transportera. Klätterväggen sitter ihop med en trailer och själva ”väggen” reser man upp mycket enkelt och snabbt. Det automatiska säkerhetssystemet fungerar väldigt smidigt och säkert och är ansett som ett av de absolut säkraste som finns på marknaden.
Klätterväggarna går att använda både inomhus och utomhus. Den har varit mycket uppskattad på olika events såsom företagsevenemang, tävlingar, mässor, produktlanseringar, festivaler, skolor, idrottsdagar, stormarknadsevent etc. Klätterväggarna är mycket professionellt utformade med genomgående väldigt hög kvalitet på allt material.
Produkten finns i Stockholm och Båstad

Klättervägg Safari
Spänn fast dig i selen och ge dig upp på klättring för väggen mitt i djungeln.
Tävla mot kompisen och se vem som kommer upp – och ner först. Hyrs ut fullt utrustad med selar, rep och allt för att leken skall bli lika säker som rolig.
Passar barn i åldrarna 4-10 år och rekommenderat antal barn är upp till 2 pers.
Storlek (BxDxH): 5 x 5 x 6 m
Produkten finns strax utanför Örebro

Fair activities Stockholm
Fair activities – Become the most popular stand at the fair.
Power meters, pinball, reaction games, driving games, climbing walls, sports games and food & drink etc. We have contact with several different suppliers throughout the country. Travel costs are added depending on where in the country you are.

PLINKO - the hit from the English TV program is here! Brand and make your own!
1-6 tokens are dropped - they fall into one of the 11 nests at the bottom - then you can choose yourself whether it should be points, colors - pictures of giveaways or whatever you want - the whole game can be set on fire - game board, top - and the tokens.
The activity is located in Stockholm

MMA – Hit the Green – 6 pads
Follow the lights and press in the same order as they light up. The game picks up speed and you must not make any mistakes…
Foil and do your own speed test - all pink parts are lights or display - examples to come!
Width: 31 cm
Depth: 40 cm
Height: 114 cm
Weight: 17 kg
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Night duel black disc
Compete like the champion of champions. You place your hands on the table - when this is done the game starts!
The time the rods are lit is randomized between 5-16 seconds.
When the rod goes out, it is important to take the rod that has gone out as soon as possible.
Equally fun for young and old.
Now in a built-in version with black sides with room for branding – even the rods can be foiled!
The one in Stockholm can be foiled with a fabric on all 4 sides in one piece and top in fabric with your logo on it.
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Brand your Catch the Light
Brand your Catch the Light - four sides + top disc - give it a look all your own!
We start from a white Catch the Light and then there is a 3 mm top disc and 4 magnetic sides. We'll keep your look if you want to reuse it!
Width: 127 Depth: 79 Height: 87 (cm) Weight: 70 kg.
Powered by EL.
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Arcade Games Mix arcade games
Go back to the days when pixelated arcade games dominated the market. This arcade mix is packed with 54 classic retro games where there is something fun and exciting for everyone to play!
How about Donkey Kong, Pacman, Arkanoid and Pinball Action. Some more examples:
Space Invaders, Pacman, Frogger,
Donkey Kong, Ms. Pacman, Galaga,
Donkey Kong Junior, Donkey Kong 3, Galaxian, Dig Dug, Crush Roller, Mr Do, Galaga 3, Gyruss, Tank Battalion, 1942, Ladybug, Burger, Time, Mappy, Centipede and Millipede.
Weight 120 kg
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Cykelsimulator Propcycle
It's time to get active!
We can attest that it is not a bed of roses, but fun. You have to ride your bike not to lose height, collect the balloons and get points - the flashing balloons give you extra time.
Width: 92 cm
Depth: 190 cm
Height: 185 cm
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Merchandise crane Scissors
Here you can hang up to 9 different wins that the visitor will try to cut down!
You have two buttons to help you, one button that guides the scissors horizontally and one that then guides the scissors out towards you, it cuts automatically IF you are right!
What is the difference between scissors and a claw? Well, in a scissor machine you can have significantly heavier profits and in other forms than what a claw machine can handle - maybe you have your own goods that you want to hang up? It's hard, it has to be - it's also fun and you want to try again...
No win every time.
Width: 120 cm, depth: 80 cm, height: 200 cm, weight: 150 kg
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Driving game Sega Rally
Driving game Sega Rally compete against each other three different courses to choose from and automatic or manual gear - accelerate, brake and take it easy in the curves - but make sure to finish first!
Classic from the 90s.
The activity is located in Stockholm.
Boulder wall
Bouldering is the simplest form of climbing. You don't need ropes, carabiners, rope brakes or strange wedges.
Boulder comes from the English language and means rock block, where you climb rocks/boulders with a crashpad underneath.
The boulder climbing wall is 8 meters wide and 2.40 m high.
The product is available in Stockholm but can be shipped to other cities.
The climbing wall is in Stockholm.

Mechanical bottle
The mechanical bottle is a fun and different alternative to the classic bull. The experience is still just as adrenaline rush.
We offer bottles in several variants with different stickers.
The bottle can be adjusted in different degrees of difficulty and of course we offer timing and fair competitions for those who want to reach for the bottle!
The product is available in Stockholm.

Wheel of fortune floor model
This wheel of fortune has a stand that can be raised and lowered. Number plates with the numbers 1-26 are included in the rental. The price below refers to the rental of the wheel of fortune.
Can foil/burn the wheel of fortune with your logo.
Height: 195 cm
Width: 100 cm
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Popcorn cart Antique
A popcorn cart / popcorn machine is an atmosphere enhancer. It never goes wrong and just the smell creates joy and anticipation of putting these little corns in your mouth.
It's easy to make popcorn - and even easier with a popcorn cart!
Do you need several carts?
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Wheel of Fortune - Double disc
Numbered 1-18, fireable - two discs - you can also make your own trays if needed with your own design. The front disc does not spin - which means that your message / logo / or whatever you want to print here, does not spin around and make your visitors dizzy!
18 fields – can be transformed into whatever you want – but there are 18 pegs and 18 places the wheel can stop!
Diameter 90 cm (small 50 cm).
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Speed test foiled
Follow the lights and press in the same order as they light up. The game picks up speed and you must not make any mistakes…
Above we have a slightly larger speed test, it can burn both the playing field and the top plate if you want it - as well as fabric all around. All branding is saved if you want to reuse it next time!
Width: 31 cm
Depth: 40 cm
Height: 114 cm
Weight: 17 kg
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Night Duel white disc
Compete like the champion of champions. You place your hands on the table - when this is done the game starts!
The time the rods are lit is randomized between 5-16 seconds.
When the rod goes out, it is important to take the rod that has gone out as soon as possible.
Equally fun for young and old.
Now in a built-in version with white sides and white top plate with space for branding – even the rods can be foiled!
It can be foiled with a fabric on all 4 sides in one piece and top in fabric with your logo on it.
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Neuron Race
Also called Catch the light - black
You have ten lights each, you have to press the lights that are lit and get points, if you press a light when it is off, you get minus points.
30 seconds - hurry up, time is running out.
How many lights did you turn off? Who won?
Equally fun for young and old.
Available in white, blue and black.
Width: 127 Depth: 79 Height: 87 (cm) Weight: 70 kg. Powered by EL.
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Pac Man arcade game
Games like before - really many games in one - almost 60 games are available.
Space Invaders, Pacman, Frogger, Donkey Kong, Ms. Pacman Galaga, Donkey Kong, Junior Donkey Kong 3, Galaxian Dig DugCrush, Roller Mr. Do, Galaga 3 Gyruss Tank Battalion 1942 Ladybug Burger Time Mappy Centipede Millipede JR Pacman Pengo Phoenix Pinball Action Scramble Super Pacman Bomb Jack Shao-Lin´s Road King & Ballon 1943 Van-Van Car Pacman Plus Dig Dug 2 Amidar Zaxxon Time Pilot Super Cobra Hustler Space Panic Super Breakout New Rally X Arkanoid Qix Juno Frist Xevious Mr. Do´s Castle Moon Cresta Pooyan Pleiads Gun Smoke The End 1943 Kai Congo Bongo Jumping Jack.
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Power meter Hammer Thunder
Force meter Hammer here applies to what you expect to hit the hardest.
Hitting the Hammer is fun – it's also incredibly difficult to just pass it without clipping.
Hammer is perfect for use indoors as well as outdoors - that makes it suitable for e.g. fairs and trade fair stands!
Width: 72 Depth: 120 Height: 222 (cm) Weight: 125 kg
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Casino table
Rent a Black Jack table, roulette table or a poker table for your fair.
With the help of playing cards, you can create a small competition where the guests receive chips for a note, and try to play together as many chips as possible - when you want to stop playing, you "check" the chips with the dealer, who notes the guest's total. Whoever plays the most chips together wins a prize.
The tables are in Stockholm.

Driving game Hydro Thunder
Boat- Driving game Hydro Thunder compete against each other - you can choose nine different courses and nine different boats - some significantly more difficult than others. We have so that you can connect 4 units in total.
Hydro Thunder is a really fun game to drive and race against each other!
The activity is located in Stockholm.

SkeeBall Classic
SkeeBall Classic is a game that can be found both at Gröna Lund and Liseberg, among other places. You have to "roll" 8 balls up the hill and hit the right hole - the points are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100 - if you are really skilled, you can get a maximum of 800 points!
Dimensions: Width: 75 Depth: 310 Height: 205 (cm)
Weight: 275 (kg)
The product is available in Stockholm.

Mechanical jar
The mechanical can is a fun and different alternative to the classic bull. The experience is still just as adrenaline rush. We have timing for a fair competition.
Currently, the can is foiled with previous customer's decals and the can is rented out in its current appearance. Of course, you can foil the jar to your liking, which you as the customer can arrange yourself.
The product is available in Stockholm.

Basketball machine
Each player has 60 seconds to get as many balls as possible, during the first 50 seconds you get 2 points. With 10 seconds left, you get 3 points for each hit.
When you reach 20 points, the basket starts moving and it gets harder.
When 60 seconds have passed, round two comes for 10 seconds - then you get 1 second of additional time for each ball you place and 2 points per hit!
The product is available in Stockholm.
Dance Machine Fusion
Dance machine Dancing Stage Fusion
On the dance machine you dance by yourself or compete against someone else.
Arrows will appear on the screen showing you how to place your feet, doing it in time will make your dance easier, we promise!
A fun activity that makes you feel very warm doing it.
(Dance, pause, dance, drink water...)
180 x 200 assembled, 180 high (cm)
Weight: The machine 250 kg, The dance plates 100 kg each
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Catch the Light – COMBO
You have ten lights each, you have to press the lights that are lit and get points, if you press a light when it is off, you get minus points. The bonus button must be pressed as soon as it lights up, then the bonus accumulates and is added up when counting points.
THREE game rounds - the game sums up after each round, the one who extinguished the most lights and succeeded best with the bonus button wins.
How many lights did you turn off? Who won?
Width: 127 Depth: 79 Height: 87 (cm) Weight: 70 kg.
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Mega Wire
You can compete on time or on the number of errors! If you compete on the number of mistakes, you have to drive the whole way and the display tells you how many mistakes you got (if any at all)
If you race against time - you must not make any mistakes at all - but you have a certain amount of time to get from one side to the other - as quickly as possible.
Perfect for fairs, it doesn't take up much space - it can be foiled - one or both sides depending on how you want it.
Width: 120 cm. Depth: 45 cm. Height: 123 cm. Weight: 20 kg
The activity is located in Stockholm.

CashCube Money Machine
You step into the Cashcube, then you have a certain amount of time to catch as many notes or whatever is on offer as possible.
It can be discount coupons, drink tickets or whatever you want.
The preset time is 20 seconds, you must capture and then output what you have captured in the banknote box outside - it is only what is in the box when the time is up that counts!
Normally you catch between 7-15 bills of regular size.
There are 3 CashCubes
Width: 85 Depth: 110 Height: 222 (cm) Weight: 130 (kg). This machine does not fit everywhere due to its size!
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Catch the Light blue
Catch the Light - Reaction test / game.
You have ten lights each, you have to press the lights that are lit and get points, if you press a light when it is off, you get minus points. 30 seconds - hurry up, time is running out. How many lights did you turn off? Who won? Equally fun for adults and children.
Width: 127 Depth: 79 Height: 87 (cm) Weight: 70 kg. Powered by EL.
Available in white, blue and black.
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Nine professional courses that fit just as well in a shopping mall as outdoors (not in the rain) or at the party, kickoff, etc. The number of lanes can be adjusted according to your wishes.
Make summer all year round, Fun for both children and adults. Clubs, balls, protocol included of course.
The product/activity is located in Stockholm but can be transported to other cities when renting more products.

Goods crane/grabbing claw machine
Area of use is primarily "Giveaways/promotional products".
With the help of a joystick, you make the crane pick the item you want. The machine gives a profit every time and is not coin operated.
The faucet cannot handle bottles and heavy objects. The crane can grip balls of approx. 8 cm but also, for example, sunglasses of approx. 14 cm. Weight about 250g. The machine may be "burned" provided that it is restored to the same condition as on delivery.
Electricity: 230V, 10 amp.
Size: Height: 181 cm. Width: 46 cm.
The activity is located in Stockholm.
Power meter Strongman you can measure how strong you are - you can measure both with your left and right hand - if you compete and want to get a good result, you can, for example, combine the results of both to make it fair!
Strongman always makes a splash wherever he appears - from fairs to construction markets - he's BIG and everyone wants to test their strength against him!
Width: 110 Depth: 90 Height: 220 (cm)
Weight: 130 (kg)
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Smashing Drive
You are the taxi driver in New York. On your turn, you pick up different customers that you have to drive on time... It's chaos during the drive, we promise!
During your drive, you can pick up different things on the screen that you "drive" on - wings, giant horn and more that will make your journey a little easier. Built-in shake function is one of those things that makes you laugh the first time and want to drive more!
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Mechanical surfboard
How long can you surf the board? Stand on it and we'll start tilting it slowly. We have timing for a fair competition. Underneath you is our large air mattress (just like under the bull) so you don't hit yourself.
Currently, the board is foiled with previous customer's decals and the board is rented out in its current appearance.
The product is available in Stockholm.

Critter Crusher
Time to clean up among the insects!
Beat for the fun of life and crush as many as you can…
There are three different courses and in the courses different levels
If you're fast, you'll get extra track to play on – it could be what separates you from the other competitors!
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Quick N Crash
Quick N Crash - Aim and Shoot!
You have 4 different levels that you have to shoot your way through to get a chance to score the porcelain cup.
There are both moving targets and stationary targets - but hurry up a bit - it's about time and number of shots!
Really fun and kid-friendly shooting game!
Width: 75 cm
Depth: 245 cm
Height: 190 cm
The activity is in Stockholm

Power meter Hammer ICE Bottle
Hammer ICE power meter here applies to what you expect to hit the hardest.
Hitting the Hammer is fun – it's also incredibly difficult to just pass it without clipping.
The activity is perfect for use indoors as well as outdoors (it is waterproof) - that makes it suitable for e.g. fairs and trade fair stands!
Width: 85 Depth: 145 Height: 225 (cm) Weight: 116 kg
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Follow the lights and press in the same order as they light up. The game picks up speed and you must not make any mistakes…
Foil and do your own speed test - all pink parts are lights or display - examples to come!
Width: 31 cm
Depth: 40 cm
Height: 114 cm
Weight: 17 kg
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Boxer Glove - Power Meter
This boxer has four different functions, all of which are easy to handle.
4 different games in one machine
Width: 70 cm. Depth: 135 cm. Height: 225 cm. Weight: 200 kg
This machine does not fit everywhere due to its size!
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Catch the Light
Catch the light is a reaction game - you have to turn off bright lights as quickly as you can, there are three lights on at a time per player and when you turn off one light, another one lights up on the playing field. The game lasts for thirty seconds and all players get a score - perfect to compete on!
Width: 127 Depth: 79 Height: 87 (cm) Weight: 70 kg.
Powered by EL.
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Slalom Simulator - Super Alpine Racer
The Super Alpine Racer is an upgrade of the Alpine Racer that came out at the end of the 90s - this really impresses, partly because it is so high and partly because it is visible.
In addition, it is very fun to race on - 3 different tracks - 4 different riders to choose from.
A machine:
Width: 88 cm, Depth: 200 cm, Height: 265 cm, Weight: 295 kg, pc
Two machines linked:
Width: 176 cm, Depth: 200 cm, Height: 265 cm, Weight: 295 kg, pc
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Air Hockey Counter
Air Hockey Counter is a two-player game. You can choose to play 15, 10 or 5 minutes – and all goals are counted and summed up on a display on the game. If you don't want to use automatic counting and time, there is a manual calculator where you update goals yourself.
The puck floats in the air, hence the name Air Hockey. You hit the puck with your handle into the opponent's goal. The puck flies across the field of play at a sometimes incredible speed.
(The game enters most elevators standing)
The activity is located in Stockholm

Grab claw machine Angry Birds
Area of use is primarily "Giveaways-Advertising products". But also works perfectly with candy bags etc. at a party / kick-off. With the help of a joystick, you make the crane pick the item you want. The machine gives a profit every time and is not coin operated. The faucet cannot handle bottles and heavy objects. The crane can grip balls of approx. 8 cm but also, for example, sunglasses of approx. 14 cm. Weight about 250g.
We can help you brand it in your colors and logo. The Angry Birds image is what it looks like without branding.
Electrical requirements: 230V, 10 amp. (Must not be connected to a dimmer)
The activity is located in Stockholm.

Sega Grid Twin
Sega Grid Twin is an arcade racing game for two players.
Sensational arcade-quality graphics and sound effects.
Race supercars including the Ford Mustang, Pagani Zonda and Koenigsegg CCGT. 42-inch monitors.
Width: 145 cm. two assembled are 250 cm (requires a 150 cm door opening)
Depth: 155 cm
Height: 197 cm
Weight: 220 kg / pc
The activity is located in Stockholm.
Climbing wall
Rent a climbing wall for your next fair. It is a very crowd-pulling event.
We have several different climbing walls; climbing towers, children's climbing walls and Plexiglas walls. The different climbing walls have different looks and performance, simple or advanced, high or low, small or large.
The climbing walls are in Stockholm.

Mechanical bull
Try to stay on the bull as long as you can or just get on to test at a leisurely pace.
We can easily adapt the degree of difficulty of the bull to your level. Our mechanical bulls are always appreciated and are suitable for almost any occasion.
The product is available in Stockholm.

Cotton candy machine with trolley
Cotton candy machine with trolley
Cotton candy has always attracted, you don't know exactly what it is that attracts - whether it's the texture or the taste.
We have the new type of cotton candy machine - Autobreeze - with just one on and off button this is super easy to use. The cup ensures that you don't get sugar spin all over you.
Then making cotton candy is easy, you spin the cone counterclockwise in the bowl to catch the cotton candy, a tip is to wet the cone a little first!
The activity is in Stockholm.

Ball sea for big & small
In the past, bollhavs balls were mostly used for children's play. Today, the focus is on fairs, art installations, film recordings and all imaginable and unimaginable events.
Balls are always fun! The different colors offer many possibilities.
Rent or buy balls in your own color, perhaps your logo's bright yellow, the elegant only white, or a colorful mix. It provides completely different experiences and we deliver what you want.