Klättervägg Natur
Klätterväggarna är 7 meter respektive 7½ meter höga. Säkerhetsfaktorn är mycket hög och med det patenterade säkerhetssystemet kan 3 personer klättra samtidigt och klätterväggens utformning och säkerhets-system gör att många utövare hinner klättra på kort tid.
Klätterväggarna är den enda av sitt slag i Sverige. Det finns endast ett fåtal i hela Europa.
Klätterväggarna är mycket uppskattade av barn, ungdomar och vuxna. Alla kan klättra. Klätterväggarna ser ut som en riktig ”klippa” med både naturliga och ditsatta grepp. Det finns således möjligheter att variera svårighetsgraden på de olika klätterlederna. Klättertornen är mobila vilket medför att de är lätta att flytta och transportera. Klätterväggen sitter ihop med en trailer och själva ”väggen” reser man upp mycket enkelt och snabbt. Det automatiska säkerhetssystemet fungerar väldigt smidigt och säkert och är ansett som ett av de absolut säkraste som finns på marknaden.
Klätterväggarna går att använda både inomhus och utomhus. Den har varit mycket uppskattad på olika events såsom företagsevenemang, tävlingar, mässor, produktlanseringar, festivaler, skolor, idrottsdagar, stormarknadsevent etc. Klätterväggarna är mycket professionellt utformade med genomgående väldigt hög kvalitet på allt material.
Produkten finns i Stockholm och Båstad

Klättervägg Safari
Spänn fast dig i selen och ge dig upp på klättring för väggen mitt i djungeln.
Tävla mot kompisen och se vem som kommer upp – och ner först. Hyrs ut fullt utrustad med selar, rep och allt för att leken skall bli lika säker som rolig.
Passar barn i åldrarna 4-10 år och rekommenderat antal barn är upp till 2 pers.
Storlek (BxDxH): 5 x 5 x 6 m
Produkten finns strax utanför Örebro

Hosts and presenters
Let an entertainer lead your stage program. An emcee is something that is needed when you have several acts one after the other. A person who keeps everyone engaged, introduces and connects the different acts, warms up the audience and makes sure it's in the right frame of mind for what comes next. Conferences come in all sorts of different varieties. If you need a humorous or serious conference, we have it.

Anna-Lena Björklund
Moderator, Entertertainer, Singer, Entertainment Producer.
Anna-Lena has worked in the industry for almost 20 years and was last seen officially, among other things. on concert hall tour with Thomas Di Leva and his tribute to David Bowie, with Alcazar where she both substituted and worked as a choir singer and with Rolandz in the melody festival.
Anna-Lena is always well read, always present and energetic. Her long experience as a singer, emcee and producer means that she always manages to create a warm atmosphere with the guests.

Tobias Karlsson
Tobias is a very captivating lecturer with an important message. He is an engaging presenter and an exuberant entertainer.
Tobias is recognizable from TV4's "Let's dance", as the happy dancer
which brought forth a number of women to great deeds.
His celebrated lecture "Everything is possible" is a success everywhere!
Won the award Speaker of the Year 2016 – Breakthrough.

Anna Mannheimer
Professional and humorous conferencer and moderator.
Anna Mannheimer is a professional presenter and moderator who is direct, honest and humorous in her approach. Anna Mannheimer is a journalist, bookkeeper, producer. She has both participated in and produced a number of programs on TV and radio.

Hasse Brontén
Comedian and presenter with humor, warmth and professional appearance.
Hasse Brontén is the policeman who became a comedian, and he has a sense of humor that amuses the vast majority of people, both young and old. His humor is happy and straightforward and is about everything possible in our world around us.
Hasse is one of the country's most booked comedians and stand-up comedians.

Peter Rylander
Peter Rylnader is an entertainer, conferencer and lecturer who burns with a heart that claps for vulnerable people and animals.
Peter works professionally as an entertainer and conference host at events of various kinds, a lecturer in value-based issues as well as coaching and spreading positive energy to the audience in several of Sweden's most popular television programs.
Peter's main competence lies in creating an extra good cohesion and teamwork feeling filled with joy and energy for all participants at an event!

Agneta Sjödin
Healthier choices in life - by your own power
Agneta Sjödin is one of our most well-known and popular presenters and has, among other things, appeared as presenter in everything from Fågarna på fortet, Gladitorerna and Let's Dance. Most recently, she was seen in the TV4 production Vardagspuls, where she inspires health and exercise.
Agneta can be booked as a conference host, presenter and lecturer.

Anna-Lena Brundin
A true professional as a comedian, artist, singer and lecturer
Anna-Lena Brundin has a special ability to combine the heavy and the light to the audience's great pleasure. Whether she is a comedian, singer or emcee, she is always well informed and prepared, and professional. You will certainly laugh a lot with Anna-Lena.
Anna-Lena Brudin can also be booked as conference host and moderator.

Jan Bylund
In addition to his performances, stand-up and lectures, Jan Bylund can be booked as a conference speaker or moderator for both small and large events.
He always tailors to the client, audience and purpose and always has a strong presence and energy on stage - with a large dose of humor and laughter of course.

Rickard Olsson
Light, sharp, pleasant and subtle - Rickard Olsson has many qualities.
Thoroughly professional presenter who masters all contexts. He has appeared in many major TV contexts. He has been a presenter, moderator and conference host at a number of major events and corporate events around the country.
Rickard Olsson is often hired by companies and organizations in connection with events where they need a knowledgeable and enthusiastic presenter/conference.

Alexandra Pascalidou
Moderator and lecturer with a focus on diversity and social issues.
Alexandra Pascalidou is a journalist, presenter, writer, lecturer, playwright, actor, human rights activist. Ambassador for Kvinna till Kvinna, Mentor Sweden, Terrafem, Friends and board member of Stiftelsen Läxhjälpen, among others.
With her combination of charm, kindness and cultural competence, Alexandra is
Pascalidou appreciated both as a moderator. and lecturer.

Mårten Nylén
Mårten Nylen is one of our most reputable health inspirers.
Known as the head trainer for four seasons of the TV show Biggest Loser, as the host of Ninja Warrior, and at the same time he is one of our biggest PT phenomena. With a mile-long client list with well-known names such as Wyclef Jean, Joel Kinnaman, Daniel Ek, Marie Serneholt and Will Smith, most people today know who Mårten Nylen is.

Anders Jansson
Known from Hipp Hipp and Strong Man
Anders Jansson became known to the Swedish people through his popular characters in the comedy program "Hipp Hipp". There he played the popular characters Tiffany Persson, foreign scorer Morgan Pålsson and Mike Higgins in "Swedish for beginners".
Anders Jansson can be booked as a comedian, lecturer and conference host.