Klättervägg Natur
Klätterväggarna är 7 meter respektive 7½ meter höga. Säkerhetsfaktorn är mycket hög och med det patenterade säkerhetssystemet kan 3 personer klättra samtidigt och klätterväggens utformning och säkerhets-system gör att många utövare hinner klättra på kort tid.
Klätterväggarna är den enda av sitt slag i Sverige. Det finns endast ett fåtal i hela Europa.
Klätterväggarna är mycket uppskattade av barn, ungdomar och vuxna. Alla kan klättra. Klätterväggarna ser ut som en riktig ”klippa” med både naturliga och ditsatta grepp. Det finns således möjligheter att variera svårighetsgraden på de olika klätterlederna. Klättertornen är mobila vilket medför att de är lätta att flytta och transportera. Klätterväggen sitter ihop med en trailer och själva ”väggen” reser man upp mycket enkelt och snabbt. Det automatiska säkerhetssystemet fungerar väldigt smidigt och säkert och är ansett som ett av de absolut säkraste som finns på marknaden.
Klätterväggarna går att använda både inomhus och utomhus. Den har varit mycket uppskattad på olika events såsom företagsevenemang, tävlingar, mässor, produktlanseringar, festivaler, skolor, idrottsdagar, stormarknadsevent etc. Klätterväggarna är mycket professionellt utformade med genomgående väldigt hög kvalitet på allt material.
Produkten finns i Stockholm och Båstad

Klättervägg Safari
Spänn fast dig i selen och ge dig upp på klättring för väggen mitt i djungeln.
Tävla mot kompisen och se vem som kommer upp – och ner först. Hyrs ut fullt utrustad med selar, rep och allt för att leken skall bli lika säker som rolig.
Passar barn i åldrarna 4-10 år och rekommenderat antal barn är upp till 2 pers.
Storlek (BxDxH): 5 x 5 x 6 m
Produkten finns strax utanför Örebro

We collaborate with many of Sweden's leading and most in-demand lecturers, speakers, moderators, conferees and trainers, but also with new interesting lecturers and inspirers. You can see a selection of some of them below. Common to all lecturers is that they have important messages and know their subjects, but also that they have an ability to enthuse and engage an audience. There is no "one-size-fits-all" solution that fits all contexts. For us, it is important that your needs as a customer determine which lecturer we can recommend.
Stefan Sebö
Why do some companies succeed and not others?
Stefan Sebö is one of Sweden's most popular and experienced lecturers. He has worked with change processes for countless people in all kinds of organizations and businesses for more than 30 years. Stefan Sebö has found the recipe for successful personal development and is an expert in getting his listeners to know their own potential. Progress starts with you - immediately book an inspiring lecture with Stefan Sebö with us at Kanebo Event for a much-needed dose of motivation on the way to new heights!
Stefan lectures on, among other things:
Change with success
The art of creating the world's best company - 7 factors for success.
Inspiration Motivation & 100% Commitment
Selling customer service
Job satisfaction creates a desire to work
Successful sales
- Selling customer service

Anders Olsson
Anders Olsson, from Hagfors had a series of unfortunate circumstances in the care. He was paralyzed from the waist down and lost 50 percent of his lung capacity. For several years of constant pain Anders was a morphine-addicted, bedridden care package. Finally, he almost gave up hope of survival.
During the lecture, you will hear Anders' story about how he fought his way out of the hospital bed, freed himself from drug addiction and up to the day when he belongs to the absolute world elite in handicap swimming, competes in triathlons and is constantly looking for new challenges and ways to realize them.
Anders offers a down-to-earth, easy-going and entertaining lecture. In his shocking and captivating story, the audience is thrown between hope and despair, while the hall is quickly filled with a mixture of bursts of laughter, tearful eyes, reflection and hope for the future.

Aron Andersson
Aron is one of Sweden's most engaged lecturers with over a hundred assignments per year. His motivational lectures, both on-site and digital, about how to reach your goals and maximize your potential have inspired many of the country's largest and most successful companies and organizations.
Aron Anderson is a professional adventurer and valued inspirer and lecturer. He has taken on challenges that most would not even dream of. And accomplished adventure that requires exceptional strength, both physically and mentally. His amazing feats inspire others to realize their potential – no matter the difficulties.
As the first person in a wheelchair, Aron has climbed Kebnekaise and Kilimanjaro, he has swum 37 kilometers across the Åland Sea, cycled from Malmö to Paris and skied 300 kilometers across Antarctica to the South Pole. Among many other things! His unique experiences have taught him the importance of strong team spirit and a positive mental attitude. And that it is not always the goal that is most important. The art is to be able to enjoy the way there.

Stefan Görwik
What does it take to get everyone in the team on the change journey towards new successes? Stefan Görwik is the speaker who, with professionalism, humor and enthusiasm, increases the motivation and job satisfaction in your team. Stefan Görwik has extensive experience as a motivational speaker, leadership trainer and change leader. He introduced "action learning" in Sweden in 1992 and offers several fun examples of success, which makes each lecture unique.
Here you can see examples of lectures/themes:
Motivation – the path to better collaboration, commitment and increased job satisfaction
Changes - how we get everyone on the journey of change to new successes
Team development - this way we strengthen cooperation and the sense of we in and between the teams
Communication – when everyone knows what, why and how the goals are to be achieved, efficiency is created

Annika R Malmberg
Annika R Malmberg is a unique speaker and performer who captivates her audience.
In a time when many believe that we should unwind and take it easy, Annika says just the opposite. We often put in too little effort and then give ourselves all the fuel we need to seek out and take on new challenges - both at work and in private.
Her lectures are fun and accurate interpretations of how differently we humans can look at life and what consequences it can have when we have to come to an agreement with each other. Both at home and at work.
We are offered the secrets behind success, with tangible advice and tools that make us better at communicating, collaborating and presenting. We learn methods for identifying our strengths and expressing what we need.
We get tips on how we can give feedback without our relationships getting stuck. And we get to learn how to turn adversity and jealousy to our advantage.

Renata Chlumska
What does it take to get everyone in the team on the change journey towards new successes? Stefan Görwik is the speaker who, with professionalism, humor and enthusiasm, increases the motivation and job satisfaction in your team. Stefan Görwik has extensive experience as a motivational speaker, leadership trainer and change leader. He introduced "action learning" in Sweden in 1992 and offers several fun examples of success, which makes each lecture unique.
Here you can see examples of lectures/themes:
Motivation – the path to better collaboration, commitment and increased job satisfaction
Changes - how we get everyone on the journey of change to new successes
Team development - this way we strengthen cooperation and the sense of we in and between the teams
Communication – when everyone knows what, why and how the goals are to be achieved, efficiency is created

Tina Thörner
A sustainable and balanced private and professional life is what Tina Thörner focuses on to create quality of life in her life. This is the common thread through everything she undertakes, and in recent years Tina has become one of Sweden's most popular lecturers and has assignments and runs projects around the world.
Through her lectures and solid training - in addition to her mission as one of the world's leading map readers. Tina Thörner knowledge and experience with her challenges and experiences from motorsport and applies these in life.

Tobias Karlsson
What does it take to get everyone in the team on the change journey towards new successes? Stefan Görwik is the speaker who, with professionalism, humor and enthusiasm, increases the motivation and job satisfaction in your team. Stefan Görwik has extensive experience as a motivational speaker, leadership trainer and change leader. He introduced "action learning" in Sweden in 1992 and offers several fun examples of success, which makes each lecture unique.
Here you can see examples of lectures/themes:
Motivation – the path to better collaboration, commitment and increased job satisfaction
Changes - how we get everyone on the journey of change to new successes
Team development - this way we strengthen cooperation and the sense of we in and between the teams
Communication – when everyone knows what, why and how the goals are to be achieved, efficiency is created

Mia Törnblom
Over the years, Mia Törnblom has inspired hundreds of thousands of people and trained in the subject of personal development. In her lectures, she wants to inspire people and show that all change is possible. In the same way that you can train your physical fitness, you can train your self-esteem, motivation and self-confidence. It is simply a matter of changing your thought patterns. To succeed in your personal leadership or to strengthen your self-esteem, you must have knowledge and tools to succeed. Mia makes her listeners reflect on how they themselves feel and if there is anything they can do to feel better.
Other topics that Mia touches on in her lecture are conflict management, difficult conversations, mental training and leadership. Mia's lecture inspires, makes us think and creates community. With a perfect mixture of seriousness and humor, she delivers an absolutely top class lecture.

Cathrine Tibbling
Cathrine Tibbling is a well-regarded lecturer in joy, humor, attitude and attitude.
Her lectures "Humor & Health", "Humor & Communication", "A little more fun all the time" and "The happy health" are filled with facts and warm humor. Cathrine is a trained communicator and the lectures are based on studies in positive psychology and organizational psychology in change work.
A good work environment serves both employers & workers on. In recent decades, interest in the organizational and social work environment has increased. Cathrine works actively to ensure that the social work environment becomes a natural part of all workplaces.
Cathrine has worked as a lecturer for over 20 years and has written three books on the subject. The latest book "Open your eyes & take care of your joy" has been printed in two editions. During Cathrine's lectures, new ones are opened
angles that contribute to change and that her lectures contain a lot of humor and laughter.

Lou Rossling
Lou Rossling inspires us to take hold of our lives
Lou Rossling inspires us to take hold of our lives, to see the joy and possibilities in each one.
Her question is “what happened to the free man, the one who existed before we decided how things should be. Why not surprise yourself by reversing the perspective, and consider if there is more than one truth?”
Lou Rossling is a much-loved speaker and inspiration. In a personal and close way, she gives the audience examples and pictures from her own life. She talks about her own journey from being "the one who knows" to opening up to a freer view of life, both as a parent and in her professional role.

Olof Röhlander
With his fifteen years as an inspirer, Olof Röhlander has gathered unique experiences about what working life looks like. He knows what needs to be done for us to remain relevant and sustainably successful in a digitized world that is constantly restarting.
No moss grows on rolling stones. The inspirer Olof Röhlander shows this with all the desired clarity. In the past year, Olof has come out with the new book "Omstart", has been around the country with a new lecture show and released a podcast together with Lasse Berghagen. In addition to that, Olof was both Summer and Winter speaker in P1.
Now comes the six-time award-winning speaker with the new business-oriented and research-based lecture GOOD IS THE NEW BEST, which gets to the heart of what we are all looking for in an organization that is constantly changing. In his usual inspiring, energizing and fun way, Olof presents here concrete thoughts and ideas that ensure both job satisfaction, satisfied customers and good results.
A lecture for the team as well as for employees and managers, where Olof, as always, adapts the content according to the target group and purpose. Olof Röhlander has written four books on leadership, job satisfaction and motivation, and has given nearly 2,000 lectures.

Christer Olsson
With over 20 years of experience, Christer Olsson is one of the Nordic countries' most booked lecturers and is a coach to some of the most experienced leaders. Each lecture or training is unique and tailored to suit you and your organization and your purpose and goals. With the help of simple exercises and concrete tools, you get help to create change. Christer lectures for management groups, smaller companies, departments within an organization or for entire groups.
Current Headlines
Dare to unfold yourself - release your unconscious potential
You live as long as you learn - From Knowing to Doing
The together project - the benefit of being surrounded by differences
Getting everyone to go from being an employee to co-responsible
We've never had it so good and felt so bad. How can we find our way back to the primal force that brought us here?
Value-based Business - About the art of calculating and getting paid for meta-values
Cultural and structural challenges in an increasingly digitized world - what does this mean for leadership?

Henrik Fexeus
The art of mind reading. Today he is Sweden's most famous psychological manipulator, mental illusionist and mediator of knowledge in unconscious communication and influence. Henrik has written seven books that have sold over half a million copies in Sweden and have so far been translated into 30 languages.
However, it is on stage that Henrik really comes into his own, both as a lecturer and as a mentalist. With his wayward mix of rascally playing and genuine techniques, he is a unique entertainer who draws sold-out houses all over the world.

Lars-Peter Loeld
Job satisfaction, creativity and innovation
For more than 30 years, Loeld has entertained, amazed and enthused the Swedish and international business community with his show Mindgames and lectured with both humor and seriousness about job satisfaction, creativity and innovation.
Loeld is one of Europe's leading mentalists and mind readers and has given his audience unforgettable experiences on countless stages and in around 40 TV shows! Behavioral scientist Loeld also lectures and inspires about job satisfaction, creativity and innovation. Lecturer and entertainer that is. As if that wasn't enough, you also get a moderator for your event. A moderator who humorously balances information, interactivity and entertaining input. An event with Loeld leaves an impression.
The organization gets an invigorating snack for all eternity and innovative ideas for change! Loeld can present his concepts to an audience of 5 - 5,000 people, both in Swedish and in English.

Christina Stielli
Talks about job satisfaction and how the workplace can feel better
Christina has been lecturing for many years and began working in schools with her lecture on social media aimed at middle and high school students. In recent years, she has met thousands of people who consistently gave top marks to a warm and personal lecture on attitudes and approaches. Thanks to her, job satisfaction has become one of the hottest topics in the past year.
In the lectures, she places great importance on the individual's own choices to deal with situations that arise in life, whether it is private or at work, and everything becomes more pleasant and easy if we can learn to have fun along the way, but it's about not about walking around laughing or just thinking positive. It is about approaches and attitudes and how we choose to tackle challenges and problems.

Johanna Kagerup
Stress management and energy injection
Johanna Kagerup is often hired as a lecturer in stress management or to give workplaces an energy injection! She lectures on how to meet the demands of today's society and working life linked to all the stress factors we are exposed to. Today, when we are constantly connected, always reachable, it is more important than ever to have calmness and strength to hold on. To feel good yourself, to be able to influence those around you positively. Her lectures provide both inspiration, knowledge and concrete tips that make a difference.
Johanna lectures, among other things, under the following headings:
Stress is not dangerous if you and your colleagues have the right tools
Increase calmness, focus and well-being
An energy injection with motivation and drive
Mindfulness – increased sharpness, calmness and efficiency
You deserve to feel good!
Believe in yourself more and increase your motivation
The right focus leads to more business
Calm and efficient in an activity-based office

Mikael Andersson
The Power of Thought - to make the impossible possible!
Against all odds, born without arms and legs, Mikael Andersson has always had to fight for what others take for granted. Today, he is not only married and has four children, he is also self-employed and one of Sweden's and Norway's most popular speakers.
The lectures Mikael Andersson delivers are not based on research results or theoretical models. He has no ambition or intention to give any simple answers and ready-made solutions to the audience. But no one leaves the room without being deeply moved. This affects and changes many people's view of themselves and what is really possible.

Charlie Söderberg
Charlie Söderberg is an inspiration of great measure and his lectures are about how we humans can think new and differently to create completely new results. In recent years, he has directed his energy towards the questions of how we can create balance and abundance in time, money and energy. Charlie has participated in the TV program Lyxfällan.
Charlie questions many of the old ideas that accompany us in the way we view ourselves, our finances and why we live the lives we do. He mixes finance and personal development in a way that both attracts laughter, wonder and reflection. You simply cannot leave his seminars unmoved!
Has written the books:
- A richer life! : a book about your time and your money by Charlie Söderberg and Lennart Göthe
- Bullets, cash & cuddling by Mathias Andersson and Charlie Söderberg

Kjell Enhager
For nearly thirty years, Kjell Enhager has coached many world-leading sports stars, cultural figures and business leaders to success.
Kjell Enhager is a coach in business, culture and sport. He has lectured to hundreds of thousands of people and coached some of the biggest world stars and companies in Sweden and the world.
Curiosity about life can take many forms, for example that someone like Kjell has had time to do everything from serving as a monk and working as a pizza baker to being a golf pro, getting a master's in business administration and writing books. As a newly qualified economist, Kjell got his first assignments as a management consultant at Sällma in Gothenburg. Today, twenty-five years later, Kjell is a coach with the whole world as his field of work.

Michael Södermalm
It is in the hubwood - Motivation, change, job satisfaction
Certified mental trainer, lecturer and inspirer in performance psychology ie - what creates team spirit, the right attitudes, motivation, personal responsibility and a winning leadership / employee
With determination, will and a positive attitude, you can get as far as you want. Let yourself be inspired, motivated and guided! Michael gives you the tools for change.
During 22 years, he has educated and inspired hundreds of thousands of people both in Sweden and abroad. In addition, he has conducted inspiring lectures, training courses and individual coaching for hundreds of companies and organizations.
Another area for his mental training is he I have coached many of our Swedish sports stars and national teams before major championships such as the EC, WC and Olympics.