Klättervägg Natur
Klätterväggarna är 7 meter respektive 7½ meter höga. Säkerhetsfaktorn är mycket hög och med det patenterade säkerhetssystemet kan 3 personer klättra samtidigt och klätterväggens utformning och säkerhets-system gör att många utövare hinner klättra på kort tid.
Klätterväggarna är den enda av sitt slag i Sverige. Det finns endast ett fåtal i hela Europa.
Klätterväggarna är mycket uppskattade av barn, ungdomar och vuxna. Alla kan klättra. Klätterväggarna ser ut som en riktig ”klippa” med både naturliga och ditsatta grepp. Det finns således möjligheter att variera svårighetsgraden på de olika klätterlederna. Klättertornen är mobila vilket medför att de är lätta att flytta och transportera. Klätterväggen sitter ihop med en trailer och själva ”väggen” reser man upp mycket enkelt och snabbt. Det automatiska säkerhetssystemet fungerar väldigt smidigt och säkert och är ansett som ett av de absolut säkraste som finns på marknaden.
Klätterväggarna går att använda både inomhus och utomhus. Den har varit mycket uppskattad på olika events såsom företagsevenemang, tävlingar, mässor, produktlanseringar, festivaler, skolor, idrottsdagar, stormarknadsevent etc. Klätterväggarna är mycket professionellt utformade med genomgående väldigt hög kvalitet på allt material.
Produkten finns i Stockholm och Båstad

Klättervägg Safari
Spänn fast dig i selen och ge dig upp på klättring för väggen mitt i djungeln.
Tävla mot kompisen och se vem som kommer upp – och ner först. Hyrs ut fullt utrustad med selar, rep och allt för att leken skall bli lika säker som rolig.
Passar barn i åldrarna 4-10 år och rekommenderat antal barn är upp till 2 pers.
Storlek (BxDxH): 5 x 5 x 6 m
Produkten finns strax utanför Örebro

Rent a Black Jack table, Roulette table, poker table or a slot machine.
With the help of playing cards, you can create a small competition where the guests receive chips for a note, and try to play together as many chips as possible - when you want to stop playing, you "check" the chips with the croupier, who notes the guest's total. Whoever played the most chips together wins a prize.
Contact us for a free quote

Black Jack burgundy
Casino Black Jack is a stylish table built in wood with brass drink holders and brass details. The cloth is burgundy and has room for 9 playing guests at the same time.
With the help of playing cards, you can create a small competition where the guests receive chips for a note, and try to play together as many chips as possible - when you want to stop playing, you "check" the chips in with the dealer, who notes the guest's total. Whoever plays the most chips together wins a prize.
Width: 150 cm. Depth: 90 cm. Height: 87 cm
Rent the table alone or with a dealer. The table is in Stockholm but can be transported to other cities.

Dice Bottle green
Dice Bottle green is a stylish table built in wood with brass drink holders and brass details. The cloth is dark green and has room for 8 playing guests at the same time.
With the help of playing cards, you can create a small competition where the guests receive chips for a note, and try to play together as many chips as possible - when you want to stop playing, you "check" the chips with the croupier, who notes the guest's total. Whoever plays the most chips together wins a prize.
Width: 250 cm. Depth: 150 cm. Height: 85 cm.
Rent the table alone or with a dealer. The table is in Stockholm but can be transported to other cities.

Black Jack green
Black Jack is a stylish table built in wood with a brass drink holder and brass details.
The cloth is burgundy or dark green and has room for 9 playing guests at the same time.
With the help of playing cards, you can create a small competition where the guests receive chips for a note, and try to play together as many chips as possible - when you want to stop playing, you "check" the chips in with the dealer, who notes the guest's total. Whoever plays the most chips together wins a prize.
Width: 150 cm. Depth: 90 cm. Height: 87 cm.
Rent the table alone or with a dealer. The table is in Stockholm but can be transported to other cities.

Poker table - Poker
Poker table is an entire table in full length, the cloth is black and in good material for the cards to slide over the table - wipeable. 10 players.
The table has 10 stainless steel drink holders.
213 cm x 107 cm. Height: 75 cm. Weight: 40 kg.
Rent the table alone or with a croupier.
The table is in Stockholm but can be transported to other cities.

Roulette Burgundy
A stylish table built in wood with brass drink holders and brass details. The tablecloth is burgundy and has room for 8 playing guests at the same time.
With the help of playing cards, you can create a small competition where the guests receive chips for a note, and try to play together as many chips as possible - when you want to stop playing, you "check" the chips with the croupier, who notes the guest's total. Whoever plays the most chips together wins a prize.
Width: 250 cm. Depth: 150 cm. Height: 85 cm
Rent the table alone or with a dealer. The table is in Stockholm but can be transported to other cities.

Slot machine – Bandit
Fruit machine / Bandit is a classic bandit with fruits that act as an atmosphere - lights up, flashes and makes a great impression!
The machine is on free play and you receive 60 credits to play for (new credits can be obtained, no tokens or money are issued, or needed)
Width: 57 cm. Depth: 60 cm. Height: 190 cm.
The machines are located in Stockholm but can be transported to other cities.

Roulette green
Roulette Bottle Green is a stylish table built in wood with brass drink holders and brass details. The cloth is dark green and has room for 8 playing guests at the same time.
With the help of playing cards, you can create a small competition where the guests receive chips for a note, and try to play together as many chips as possible - when you want to stop playing, you "check" the chips with the croupier, who notes the guest's total. Whoever plays the most chips together wins a prize.
Width: 250 cm. Depth: 150 cm. Height: 85 cm.
Rent the table alone or with a dealer. The table is in Stockholm but can be transported to other cities.