Klättervägg Natur
Klätterväggarna är 7 meter respektive 7½ meter höga. Säkerhetsfaktorn är mycket hög och med det patenterade säkerhetssystemet kan 3 personer klättra samtidigt och klätterväggens utformning och säkerhets-system gör att många utövare hinner klättra på kort tid.
Klätterväggarna är den enda av sitt slag i Sverige. Det finns endast ett fåtal i hela Europa.
Klätterväggarna är mycket uppskattade av barn, ungdomar och vuxna. Alla kan klättra. Klätterväggarna ser ut som en riktig ”klippa” med både naturliga och ditsatta grepp. Det finns således möjligheter att variera svårighetsgraden på de olika klätterlederna. Klättertornen är mobila vilket medför att de är lätta att flytta och transportera. Klätterväggen sitter ihop med en trailer och själva ”väggen” reser man upp mycket enkelt och snabbt. Det automatiska säkerhetssystemet fungerar väldigt smidigt och säkert och är ansett som ett av de absolut säkraste som finns på marknaden.
Klätterväggarna går att använda både inomhus och utomhus. Den har varit mycket uppskattad på olika events såsom företagsevenemang, tävlingar, mässor, produktlanseringar, festivaler, skolor, idrottsdagar, stormarknadsevent etc. Klätterväggarna är mycket professionellt utformade med genomgående väldigt hög kvalitet på allt material.
Produkten finns i Stockholm och Båstad

Klättervägg Safari
Spänn fast dig i selen och ge dig upp på klättring för väggen mitt i djungeln.
Tävla mot kompisen och se vem som kommer upp – och ner först. Hyrs ut fullt utrustad med selar, rep och allt för att leken skall bli lika säker som rolig.
Passar barn i åldrarna 4-10 år och rekommenderat antal barn är upp till 2 pers.
Storlek (BxDxH): 5 x 5 x 6 m
Produkten finns strax utanför Örebro

Children's activities
We cooperate with several different suppliers who rent out children's activities. Face painting, rental of cartoon characters, clowns, blue trains, merry-go-rounds, Santa Clauses etc. Many of the other activities we have are definitely child-friendly.

Mother Mu & The Crow's Musical Adventure
"Mother Mu & The Crow's Muuusikäventyr" is a fun 20-minute mini-show for all children.
Show host Lo guides you through some of the most famous & loved the songs written by Mamma Mu & Creator of the crow, Jujja Wieslander. Clap the beat to "Min lilla kråsång", stomp your feet to "If it begins to rain" and shake your butt to "Tipp-på-rumpanaffair"!
Immediately after the show, the characters walk off the stage so all the children get a chance to get a hug and a photo with the country's most loved cow & crow.

Mini disco with dance games
Rent a cartoon character - This is suitable for, among other things, shopping center days, public events and fairs. (A little too expensive for a children's party)
In addition to the stage shows, we can also offer "Minidisco with dance games", a slightly more spontaneous show with the following characters:
Mamma Mu & The Crow, Bing & Flopp, Pelle Tailless & Maja Gräddnos, Shaun the Sheep, The Smurfs, Moomin, Little Ghost Laban, Paddington, Maya the Bee, Angry Birds, The Smurfs, Dinosaur Train and Miffy.

Face painting for adults
Hire face painting for your adult event. Staff party at work, theme party, inauguration of a night club where the staff must be extra nice. The infinities are many. Face painting is always a guaranteed hit. Depending on the number of visitors, you can choose more face painters or glitter tattoo artists.
All colors are approved for use on the skin and are washed off with soap and water.
It takes 5 minutes to paint a child. approx. 10-12 children per hour.
Materials are included and more face painters can be arranged if needed.
Available in Stockholm, Malmö, Uppsala, Gothenburg, Norrköping and Linköping.

Sea of balls
Classic inflated ball pool with soft edges and 18 bags of balls and nets all around so nothing - neither children nor balls can get out except through the entrance. The entrance can be closed with velcro if you want, but it is usually not necessary.
This product is available in Stockholmbut can be transported to other cities.

Little blue train
An electric small train that runs freely without tracks. These trains are always popular. This is best suited indoors in shopping centers but can also be rolled outdoors if it is shoveled and sanded. The train has two carriages and has a small turning radius that allows the train to enter and turn in aisles and reach all stores.
The product is available in Stockholm. Can be picked up on site or transported to you.

Catch the Light
Available in the colors blue or white.
You have ten lights each, you have to press the lights that are lit and get points, if you press a light when it is off, you get minus points.
30 seconds - hurry up, time is running out.
How many lights did you turn off? Who won? Equally fun for young and old.
This product is available in Stockholmbut can be transported to other cities.

Santa comes to visit
Santa comes to visit. Sitting in a sleigh or wheelbarrow or on a Santa throne, he receives wish lists and wishes Merry Christmas to all kind children.
Tired of Santa? Santa Claus is happy to stand up instead.
Rent one or more Santas who, for example, give out balloons (available with Christmas motifs) to the children, offer sweets or hand out advertisements. Of course, we can also arrange Santas/Santas and Father and Mother Santa. The costume and outfit can be anything from Disney-esque to old-fashioned depending on the activity. We are happy to help you with suggestions!

Stalls for pentathlon, lotteries etc
Stalls for pentathlon, lotteries, ball bashing, porcelain crusher, shooting, dart throwing, the spiral, nail hitting, tombola, lottery wheel, basketball etc.
Each stall has lighting. It is possible to rent one or more sheds.
The product/activity is located in Stockholm.

Farm with the bee Maya
Beet Maya's cultivation activity is undoubtedly our most popular & estimated activity in the spring & early summer, but of course it can be adapted to other seasons.
Since 2016, thousands of children throughout the country have grown sunflowers, sun hats and watercress in shopping malls, streets & square.
The activity consists of two parts: Seed planting and tip walk.

Easter crafts & egg hunt
Easter crafts can be booked with any figure, with our lovely Easter bunny (pictured above) or only craft activities.
The children make Easter cards & other Easter decorations before we send them off on the "Easter Egg Hunt" - a fun treasure hunt where FIVE lucky children win a candy-filled Easter egg!

Balloon figures
Balloon bender? Balloon artist? Balloon tie? What is it actually called..? Either way, the staff comes out and creates different animals, flowers, vehicles and more out of just balloons! Popular at children's parties and other events.
Available in Stockholm, Malmö, Uppsala, Gothenburg, Norrköping and Linköping.
Sing with Pettson & Finuds
A sing-along family performance with Sven Hedman as Pettson and Fanny Wistrand as Findus.
They take the audience by storm through many of the funniest inventions of the popular characters: camping, putting meatballs, scaring foxes and trying to bake pancake cake. And the audience gets to sing along most of the time. And they usually do that out of their heart's desire. Otherwise, just laugh and cozy up to the well-known stories.
Now it's finally time for Findus to join us again, and what a Findus!

Balloon clown
Hire a clown to hand out your balloons. The balloons can be filled with air or with helium.
The clown stands and distributes balloons for up to five hours.
We produce special balloons to order - with your logo or with the theme of the season.
This product is available in Stockholmbut can be transported to other cities.

Children's carousel
This classic children's carousel is suitable for the smallest children. One of our most appreciated activities.
Height 2.30 meters with parasol
2.03 meters without parasol
2.90 m wide
Transport length 2.15 m, width 1.26 m
10 amp
The product is available in Stockholm. Can be transported to other cities.

Shaun's "Championsheeps" sheep
Shaun the sheep's "Championsheeps" is a fun activity for those of you who want a slightly bigger event at your trading post or festival. The activity is suitable for all children aged 3 and up and works both as a simple activity, or as a pentathlon with wins for different age groups.
And of course, Shaun the Sheep is there throughout the day to give all the children a hug, a high-five & a photo opportunity!
We are building 5 different stations, all framed with branded backdrops and artificial grass. Each station has an activity leader who helps the children

Football freestyle with Adrian Krog
Adrian Krog is a freestyle soccer world champion, a live artist and a major influencer on social media. For the past 15 years, he has traveled the world with his ball and performed in all sorts of events.
He can offer freestyle soccer performances, teach skills to participants, bring freestyle balls, sell freestyle balls, sign autographs and engage with the crowd. He can also use his social platforms to promote events.
Suitable for shopping centers and family days, football cups, product launches etc.
See clips on Youtube here >>

Glitter tattoo
Glitter tattoos consist of skin-friendly glue and glitter and are great fun because they stay on for 3-7 days!
You can shower and bathe with them and the children can show them off at kindergarten or school after the weekend. If you want to remove it earlier, that is of course also fine.
If you have an event with water activities, e.g. pool party, I recommend glitter tattoo instead of face painting.
Available in Stockholm, Malmö, Uppsala, Gothenburg, Norrköping and Linköping.

Mini cars
Classic inflated ball pool with soft edges and 18 bags of balls and nets all around so nothing - neither children nor balls can get out except through the entrance. The entrance can be closed with velcro if you want, but it is usually not necessary.
This product is available in Stockholmbut can be transported to other cities.

Welcome to the absolute funnest and most addictive football match of the year that works just as well in a sports hall as it does on an outdoor football field!
5 balls of each color to keep track of opponents and fellow players and pop-up goals to easily make a game plan where it suits you!
The activity is available in several cities.

You have to compete against your opponent, tied to a rubber rope (there are three ropes per course so that people in different weight classes can compete against each other) - it is important to get as far forward as possible and attach a pillow there - the one who attaches his pillow at the front gets one point, suggested best of three!
Width: 400 cm
Length: 1050 cm
The product is available in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö.

Traditional Meet & Greetings
If you want a slightly simpler activity but an activity that still attracts families with children, there is our traditional "Meet & Greet" with one of the children's favorite characters.
The figure is in place for 3-5 hours according to your wishes to prank and joke with all the children, hand out endless free hugs, and above all to give the children an unforgettable day.
Meet & Greet can be booked with the figures below:
Mother Mu & The Crow, Bing & Flopp, Pelle Tailless & Maja Gräddnos, Shaun the Sheep, The Smurfs, Moomin, Little Ghost Laban, Paddington, Maya the Bee, Angry Birds, The Smurfs, Dinosaur Train and Miffy.

Mini disco with dance games
Rent a cartoon character - This is suitable for, among other things, shopping center days, public events and fairs. (A little too expensive for a children's party)
In addition to the stage shows, we can also offer "Minidisco with dance games", a slightly more spontaneous show with the following characters:
Mamma Mu & The Crow, Bing & Flop, Pelle Tailless & Maja Gräddnos, Shaun the Sheep, The Smurfs, Moomin, Little Ghost Laban, Paddington, Maya the Bee, Angry Birds, The Smurfs, Dinosaur Train and Miffy.

Boomfight is one classic fighting game/sport where the participants can vent their aggressions. Soft carpet alleviates all cases. Suitable together with other activities where you measure your strength against others.
An activity leader is included in the price for up to 5 hours.
This product is available in Stockholm but can be transported to other cities.

Tuff tuff train
Let the visitors have a train ride or why not a guided tour? This is a mini-train, which can travel on public roads, with two carriages and room for at least 16 passengers.
Equipped with sound system, speech system, flags and lights. And of course there is smoke coming out of the chimney sometimes. There are several pieces with minor differences in appearance.
Both trains that run on rails and that run on wheels. There are also trains suitable for adults.
The product is available in Stockholm. Can be picked up on site or transported to you.

Mini 4-wheeler
When the kids who think our mini cars are too small, then these cool 4-wheelers fit the bill. They are for ages 9-12 or by weight. They are limited and cannot be driven fast. Helmets are of course included. The 4-wheelers can only be used outdoors as they are petrol powered, but are also fun in the winter.
This product is available in Stockholmbut can be transported to other cities.

Air hockey
Sports game Air Hockey 2-6 is a game where up to 6 players can play - if they want to. There are goal stops that you can set for if you only want to play with 2 people - this makes the game flexible.
The puck floats in the air, hence the name Air Hockey. You hit the puck with your handle into the opponent's goal. The puck flies across the field of play at a sometimes incredible speed.
Can you join? Will all 6 make it?
The product is available in Stockholm. Can be picked up on site or transported to you.

Miniature golf
Track golf or adventure golf, dear child has many names.
Nine professional courses that fit just as well in a shopping mall as outdoors (not in the rain) or at the party, kickoff, etc. The number of lanes can be adjusted according to your wishes.
Make summer all year round, Fun for both children and adults. Clubs, balls, protocol included of course.
The product/activity is located in Stockholm but can be transported to other cities when renting more products.