Klättervägg Natur
Klätterväggarna är 7 meter respektive 7½ meter höga. Säkerhetsfaktorn är mycket hög och med det patenterade säkerhetssystemet kan 3 personer klättra samtidigt och klätterväggens utformning och säkerhets-system gör att många utövare hinner klättra på kort tid.
Klätterväggarna är den enda av sitt slag i Sverige. Det finns endast ett fåtal i hela Europa.
Klätterväggarna är mycket uppskattade av barn, ungdomar och vuxna. Alla kan klättra. Klätterväggarna ser ut som en riktig ”klippa” med både naturliga och ditsatta grepp. Det finns således möjligheter att variera svårighetsgraden på de olika klätterlederna. Klättertornen är mobila vilket medför att de är lätta att flytta och transportera. Klätterväggen sitter ihop med en trailer och själva ”väggen” reser man upp mycket enkelt och snabbt. Det automatiska säkerhetssystemet fungerar väldigt smidigt och säkert och är ansett som ett av de absolut säkraste som finns på marknaden.
Klätterväggarna går att använda både inomhus och utomhus. Den har varit mycket uppskattad på olika events såsom företagsevenemang, tävlingar, mässor, produktlanseringar, festivaler, skolor, idrottsdagar, stormarknadsevent etc. Klätterväggarna är mycket professionellt utformade med genomgående väldigt hög kvalitet på allt material.
Produkten finns i Stockholm och Båstad

Klättervägg Safari
Spänn fast dig i selen och ge dig upp på klättring för väggen mitt i djungeln.
Tävla mot kompisen och se vem som kommer upp – och ner först. Hyrs ut fullt utrustad med selar, rep och allt för att leken skall bli lika säker som rolig.
Passar barn i åldrarna 4-10 år och rekommenderat antal barn är upp till 2 pers.
Storlek (BxDxH): 5 x 5 x 6 m
Produkten finns strax utanför Örebro

Indoor activities
Here are activities for those of you who want to have your activities indoors.
All the activities are mobile and can be arranged in many different places in the country.

Crazy Deals
Crazy Deals - a fun and fast-paced way to spice up dinner, for example. Having good knowledge is important, but making crazy good deals is even more important!
Communication and trading games for large (and smaller) groups. It makes people interact naturally within and between teams
On each table are a number of cards and an iPad, scan the cards' QR code to open your challenge.
Each card opens a task. Correct answers give points.
Once the task is complete (correct or incorrect), the card can no longer be used by your team...

Mini box car bowling
The teams have 60 minutes to build their mini box car, which should not only look good but also function as a bowling ball.
When the build time is over, it's time for the raucous finale; the cars must drive on a ramp and knock down as many bowling pins as possible.
The team that succeeds the best wins!
Time required: 1.5 hours
Number of participants: Unlimited

You are faced with a number of practical challenges and cleverness.
Your task is to try to solve as many of these challenges as possible before the time runs out, the faster you manage to solve a challenge, the higher score it gives.
The challenges you face require collaboration, communication and the ability to think outside the box to succeed.
Time required: 1 hour
Number of participants: 2 - 80p
The activity can be done throughout Central Sweden. Do you want further away? Send a request, nothing is impossible.

Licorice tasting
The black gold, the new chocolate….licorice.
You try about 10 different varieties of licorice; raw licorice, licorice root, sweet licorice, salty licorice and flavored licorice.
The tasting includes fun anecdotes, history and production process.
An eye opener to the fantastic world of licorice!
Time required: 1 hour
Number of participants: unlimited
The activity can be done throughout Central Sweden. Do you want further away? Send a request, nothing is impossible.

Escape the room
An exciting and challenging board game.
Larger groups are divided into smaller teams that receive identical playing equipment.
When the countdown starts, participants must investigate, solve problems, think outside the box, collaborate, crack clever puzzles, solve practical challenges and add much more than just 2 and 2 to manage to escape before time runs out.
Escape Room games began as digital adventures and quickly became real experiences around the world where players were locked in a room and had to uncover clues and hidden objects to successfully escape.
Now we bring these challenges to you through the game Escape the room - a mobile board game.
Time required: 1-1.5 hours
Number of participants: Unlimited
Furniture: Islands - a table and chairs/ team
Other: The game is conducted in English
The activity can be done throughout Central Sweden. Do you want further away? Send a request, nothing is impossible.

300 seconds
The competition is based on teams meeting each other in parallel at a number of stations, and under time pressure must work together to succeed. The participants will get to use their entire store of humor, intelligence and planning, as well as test their limits, although more mentally than physically. The activity suits everyone at the company, both young and old! The activity requires fairly large indoor spaces!
Time required: 1 hour
Number of participants: maximum 20 people
Available in Stockholm and Gothenburg

Indoor Challenge 1
A challenging and fast-paced indoor competition.
This activity has you hunting around for all possible and impossible gadgets that can be found somewhere where you are or maybe nearby.
You will move around in all the nooks and crannies and your creativity will really be put to the test.... all while the time is counting down.
Can be done anywhere
Both competition and entertainment
Suitable for both large and small groups, there is no limit to how many teams can play at the same time, we recommend 3-5 participants/team.
You get to use creativity and speed, you play in a team...also cooperation and communication skills.
You can play together even if you are in different places, colleagues who are not on site can connect to a team via remote.

Ipad quiz
A fun activity that gives you a real brain workout!
Each team is equipped with an iPad containing your game.
The game consists of mixed tasks and challenges; questions, riddles, logic, math tricks, practical challenges, gear questions, photo tasks and much more.
Correct solutions to the tasks earn points.
The most points when time runs out wins.
Results, images and videos produced during the activity are available to you immediately after finishing the game.
Time required: 1 hour
Number of participants: Unlimited

Five senses
A challenge for your five senses; Smell, Feeling, Hearing, Sight and Taste.
To solve the five different challenges you face, you must use your five senses.
During the activity, participants can take a step back from today's connected society by using only their five senses;
What kind of objects do you feel?
What's that smell?
What sound or song is playing?
What flavor is this?
Can you piece together a puzzle just by looking at it?
Time required: 1 hour
Number of participants: 2 - 60p
The activity can be done throughout Central Sweden. Do you want further away? Send a request, nothing is impossible.

Mix good drinks
Learn how to mix drinks like a pro!
Our bartender guides you and lets you scratch the surface of the basics in bartending; mixing techniques, spirits knowledge and drink history.
Together you try shaking, mixing, muddling and stirring different kinds of drinks, and as the crowning glory you will of course taste the results before the evening is over.
A relaxed activity that fits perfectly both before and after dinner.
If you would rather have a classic drink tasting, we of course also arrange that type of drinking activities:
Beer tasting, Wine tasting, Rum tasting, Whiskey tasting, - Port wine tasting or your own request.
The activity can be done throughout Central Sweden. Do you want further away? Send a request, nothing is impossible.

Time Out
Time Out is a funny, witty and intense team building activity. Participants will challenge their taste and smell senses as well as their intelligence and creativity. Lots of laughs and crazy antics are promised during the hour that the group has to try to solve the problems and puzzles that have to be solved in 60 minutes. Pretty soon you will realize that the problems are many and there are both easy and very difficult ones. Prioritizing, structuring and collaborating is the solution, but is there enough time?
Time required: 1 hour
Number of participants: 4-300 people
Available in Stockholm and Gothenburg.

Nerves of steel
Here, 12 mini-duels must be completed, one more clever than the other. The competition is based on each team selecting its challenger, who must then face the other teams' challengers and perform a fun and challenging task. The contestants really have to be fast, focused and relaxed while keeping their tongues in their mouths. Warning for lots of tan!
Time required: 1 hour
Number of participants: maximum 80 people
Available in Stockholm and Gothenburg

Best in test
Here it is really important to be clever and of course also the best.
You compete against the other teams in a number of different, weird and clever tests.
The better the team solves the tests, the more points they get, and the winning team is the team that has the most points when you have done all the tests.
The challenges you face require collaboration, communication and the ability to think outside the box to succeed.
Outdoors or indoors
Time required: 1 hour
Number of participants: 2 - 80p

Paint together
Divided into groups or teams, you must paint a picture on a given theme, eg; future, then & now, we & them, etc.
You have 60 minutes to finish painting your paintings, then it's time for the opening where you will have the opportunity to present and maybe even explain your creations.
Finally, the best painting is voted on.
Time required: 1.5 hours
Number of participants: Unlimited
The activity can be done throughout Central Sweden. Do you want further away? Send a request, nothing is impossible.

Tasting mingle
The perfect mingling activity!
In the Smakmingel activity, mingling, competition and good flavors are combined (if you want, it is also perfectly possible to add a pre-drink in connection with the activity)
We are setting up five different testing stations; oil, chocolate, cheese, charcuterie and licorice.
The group is divided into teams that use an iPad to scan a code at each station, the code activates the question/challenge for that particular station.
You mingle around among the different stations and can take them in any order you want.
When the time is up, the result is reported and the winning team is chosen.
A fun and different way to try different delicacies and at the same time mingle with and compete against each other.
Time required: 1 hour
Number of participants: Unlimited
The activity can be done throughout Central Sweden. Do you want further away? Send a request, nothing is impossible.

Try cheeses
Enjoying cheeses from different corners of the huge cheese world is unbeatable.
You try both hard and soft cheeses, goat cheese, kit cheese and mold cheese.
Let yourself be surprised and fascinated by the different characters and all the nuances of taste... maybe you will find a completely new favorite cheese!
Time required: 1 hour
Number of participants: Unlimited
The activity can be done throughout Central Sweden. Do you want further away? Send a request, nothing is impossible.

AW Games
5 fun exercises are placed in the room where the teams rotate around and challenge each other. Exercises are, for example, the Night Duel, the Giant Labyrinth, Memory etc. This activity is not so regulated with protocols and rules, but more of a fun happening where the participants decide the arrangement themselves. A guide from Puls is on site to help if needed.
Time required: 1 hour
Number of participants: 4-300 people
Available in Stockholm and Gothenburg

The secret box
The Secret Box is an easy indoor activity for the group that wants to have fun and be challenged intellectually as well as challenge their competitive nerves. The goal of the competition is to solve as many of the problems as possible from the secret box. Participants will challenge their taste and smell senses as well as their intelligence and creativity.
Time required: 1.5 hours
Number of participants: maximum 200 people
Available in Stockholm and Gothenburg

The commercial
Equipped with a digital video camera, imagination, creativity and collaboration, you create a storyboard or script and then record your commercial.
The theme of your film can be, for example; future, budget, in 20 years, past-now-since, etc.
Here it is important to find your own interpretation and also succeed in the art of telling the whole thing with a short film.
When it's time to show your films, there will not only be laughter and cheers, but the best film will also be voted for.
Immediately after finishing the film screening, you get exclusive access to your films which are online with password protection.

Agent X
Agent X is a game where you have to work together, have nerves of steel and use logic to succeed.
Will you succeed in preventing the evil genius from detonating the doomsday bomb?
You have to solve tricky puzzles, interrogate suspicious people, travel the world, meet informants and manage to keep your nerves in check when it seems the evil genius is always one step ahead of you…
Can you stop him before time runs out?
Time required: maximum 1 hour
Number of participants: unlimited
Location: Anywhere (players can be in different locations and still play together)

Chocolate tasting
A pleasure-filled experience where we, together with a number of different chocolates, embark on a tasty journey around all corners of the world.
Your chocolate guide revolves around myths and legends, history, cultivation and production of this divine product.
An entertaining, fun, educational and above all tasty tasting!
Time required: 1 hour
Number of participants: unlimited
The activity can be done throughout Central Sweden. Do you want further away? Send a request, nothing is impossible.

The Hunt
The Hunt is just as physically tough or as quiet as you want, we build the activity completely according to your wishes and it can be carried out anywhere. Under time pressure and constantly with one or more teams on their heels, it is important to solve the practical challenges to constantly get further into the game and closer to the final victory.
The practical challenges can vary between clever tricks eg; nail balancing and pyramid building or physical challenges eg; bungy run and boot throw or air pistol shooting, giant memory, TV series intro, etc.
Each practical challenge you solve takes you one step closer to the goal.
The activity can be carried out either as a competition or as a collaboration where the common end goal is the deciding factor.
Time required: 1.5 hours
Number of participants: Unlimited
The activity can be done throughout Central Sweden. Do you want further away? Send a request, nothing is impossible.

Indoor Challenge
A fresh and exciting competition activity that stimulates the team's ability to work together. Lots of giggles and yawning are guaranteed during this intense hour of activity. The group must collect as many points as they can by completing a variety of challenges and questions.
Time required: 1 hour
Number of participants: 4-1000 people
Available in Stockholm and Gothenburg

iThe quiz
With the help of our in-house developed app and iPads, the participants complete a fun and interactive quiz that can be completed basically anywhere. The place we do it can be in a hotel lobby, bar or meeting room. Loads of questions and photo tasks appear in a never-ending stream. When the time is up, the activity ends with a trophy for the winning team!
Time required: 30-45 min
Number of participants: 4 - 1,000 participants
Available in Stockholm and Gothenburg